1. Project Background

The web 3.0 revolution, the need to create ecosystems capable of sustained adoption and innovation in the commercialization of virtual goods promote the creation of new ways of using NFTs. Both the power of blockchain technology and the exponential growth of the digital asset market consolidate the ideal opportunity to achieve this goal.

The Perception Face team has detected problems in the current market for NFTs:

- The target audience is not grouped in a large community

- NFTs are isolated elements or collections, which in most cases are not represented by a history or reason that justifies their creation

- The NFTs market does not contribute anything to charitable causes, demonstrating the lack of social responsibility of creators of digital asset platforms

- DAO systems lack effectiveness in the NFTs market

- Sellers of NFTs do not validate the future use of the concepts embedded in the virtual creations they distribute

- Checking the enrollment and authenticity of NFTs on blockchains is often complicated

The growth of the NFT market changed the lives of entrepreneurs. However, the market is limited to selling them in a marketplace and after each acquisition, their subsequent use is not widely guaranteed.

The Perception Face team wants to change everything with innovative solutions that ensure the positive use of NFTs increases.

The world of artists, athletes, entertainment personalities and the quality of the products of creators of virtual goods served as inspiration for the creation of the “Perception Face” ecosystem of NFTs.

The art, entertainment and sports market sectors are in a race against the advancement of technology and are missing the opportunity to develop web 3.0 products with new business and revenue models.

Hundreds of fans yearn to be part of a large organized community where they can consume, collect and show off digital products from their idols and clubs. Millions would like to be part of a community that raises awareness for social causes through digital campaigns that make a difference in the real lives of disadvantaged people.

Blockchain tokenization is radically changing the world. The transformation of goods and services into digital assets is present in the most attractive technological markets such as the sports industry, in the world of music and P2E video games. The blockchain market has shown the birth of multiple successful digital products from works of art, songs, stickers, trading cards (Highlights), game elements, collections to fan tokens.

The vision of this project in the next 24 months is to become a top platform that houses the community for the creation and consumption of collectible NFTs with the greatest impact on the social life of their idols and followers.

Because of this, we are building a tokenized ecosystem that will allow celebrities and creatives to leave a social footprint in the world.

Our mission is summarized in three general objectives:

- Facilitate the creation and monetization of virtual goods and services;

- Create its own currency whose use simplifies the processes of commercialization and monetization of digital content;

- Build a stable ecosystem in which NFTs are the instrument so that digital art is the ticket to:

• That the Artists of the show connect with their fans

• Let any User explore their creative talent from NFTs

• That Idols, Fans and NGOs provide effective solutions to social causes

• Let the community decide the fate of the collections of NFTs they wish to consume

• Promote the talent of Artists and Athletes

• Take care of the User experience, optimizing it through dynamic and innovative R&D

• Democratize the consumption of NFTs by the Community with a DAO system that represents a world reference in the market, however, on the platform the voting power to choose the best collections does not grant economic benefits to voters

The founding team wants to connect celebrities and users with digital art, build a community and leave a positive mark in the real world.

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